Help – Finances Screen (iOS)

Finances Screen ScreenshotStatistics

You can select a time range over which the statistics are calculated.

  • Eggs Collected = [Total number of  eggs collected in time range]
  • Feed Consumed = [Total pounds of feed consumed in the time range]
  • Income = [Sum of all sales in the time range]
  • Expenses = [Sum of all purchases in the time range]
  • Cost Per Egg = [Sum of (-) expenses] + [Sum of sales]  / [number of eggs]
  • Cost Per Dozen Eggs = [Cost Per Egg] x 12
  • Feed Per Dozen Eggs = [Feed Consumed]  / [Eggs Collected] x 12
  • Feed Per Bird = [Feed Consumed] / [Number of active birds]

Add Journal Entry Screenshot

Adding Journal Entries

  1. Tap the ‘+’
  2. Choose a date
  3. Choose whether it was a Purchase or Sale
    • Purchase
      • Type: Feed, Supplies, Shelter, Bedding, Bird, Misc
      • (Optional) Source: Freeform text describing the person or place that you purchased the goods from. For example, if you got feed from Tractor Supply, you could record it here
    • Sale
      • Type: Eggs, Meat, (live) Bird
      • (Optional) Buyer: Name of the buyer.
  4. (Optional) Description: Describe what you bought or sold. If you leave this blank
  5. Cost: Enter the amount of money that changed hands.
  6. (Feed only) Weight: Enter the pounds of feed that were purchased.
  7. Notes: Add any notes for your own purposes
  8. Tap ‘Save’

Deleting Journal Entries

  1. Swipe from right to left on the entry you would like to delete, choose Delete.

Exporting Journal Data

Using the ‘action’ icon in the upper left corner of the journal entry list, you can export all of your financial journal entries to a comma-delimited file and send it to any application that supports this kind of file. For example, if you have Apple’s Numbers app installed, you could open it with that. Otherwise, you can email it to yourself and open it with something like Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice.

I know that there are some people out there that are wizards with Excel and will want to slice and dice the data in a way that Mother Hen doesn’t provide. This gives them the ability to get the data out into applications such as those. That said, if you have a way of looking at the data that you think other people might benefit, feel free to head over to our bug tracker and put in a enhancement request.